Monday, February 7, 2011

Prepare Sample For Gas Chromatography

This is just a revision for me on how to prepare sample to run it through gas chromatography. The sample that I want to prepare is the methanolic extract of Curcuma xanthoriza and Curcuma domestica. Both related to ginger. First, wash the vial with the solvent that we want to use. In this exercise we use acetone.

After that, put 10 drops of acetone (another set, not the one used for washing the vial) into the vial. Then, put 5 drops of the methanolic extract.

Close the vial, wrap the cap with parafilm, to avoid the sample from evaporate when we store the sample till use.

As you can see, the steps are simple. This is just to prepare the sample, the difficult part will be setting up the machine, and the hardest part is to interpret the data.

Thanks a lot to Ms. Kartini, for showing me the procedure to prepare the sample.

What do you think? Are we doing it the right way? We don't refer to any books or procedure, so the steps we performed here is open for discussion.

What we do in life echoes in eternity.

Amirul Faiz Abd. Razak
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi.

"Fuhhh.. Terkial-kial saya nak menulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Kalau anda rasa kelakar, emm, gelak je la ye." :)

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